Manufacturing Day 2024 Here's a shout out to Kingman Unified School District and the recent Manufacturing Day Event! Kingman Industrial Park, KAMMA and our manufacturing partners are AWESOME! Thank you for supporting our students.
Substitute Teachers - Apply here! The WAVE Culinary Campus in Lake Havasu is looking for substitute teachers!
AZ is CTE! CTEDs across the state are helping prepare students for their futures. No matter what pathway you choose, career and technical education provides the academic, technical and professional skills necessary to succeed. Check out your local CTED and see what program is right for YOU!
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WOWSA Look at These Students! And, the WOWSA goes to....Kenneth Whitton and Jordyn Hooper! These students put in extra time in the welding lab at KHS to create an amazing table for the 8th grade showcase. Kenneth is a Cambridge student, plays football and enjoys working with his hands, And, taking welding has changed Jordyn's career path. She now plans on being a professional welder! The future is bright for these Bulldogs!
WAVE Governing Board Vacancy Anyone interested in serving on the Western Arizona Vocational Education (WAVE) District #50 Governing Board representing the Colorado River region should submit a letter of interest and resume by December 13th to:WAVE - Attn: Amy West, SuperintendentPO Box 69Kingman, AZ 86402 or email to: [email protected]
Part-Time Office Assistant Position WAVE is looking for a part-time, as needed office assistant in the Bullhead City/Fort Mohave area. This person will provide support to the administrative team by performing a variety of clerical tasks. The role is ideal for someone who is organized, detail-oriented, and able to multitask effectively to help ensure smooth and efficient operations in a collaborative, student centered work environment.
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Fall Enrollment is Underway! If you're considering enrolling in a career preparation program, it's time to make the appointment!